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I miei complimenti A TUTTI, il clavicembalo ha un "tocco" meraviglioso!
September 26, 2010 10:15


[ Scritto da aliusmodum, September 28, 2010 18:29 ]
     Grazie tantissimo da parte di tutti noi per i complimenti!!!

[ Scritto da uIMHKVV5hcq, July 23, 2016 17:21 ]
     Your post is utter nonsense. Given time, it is not a big assumption to make, but an inbeativility. Also, there is no reason whatsoever that an upload would have to destroy the original person, or even affect him/her in any way. YOU’RE making the big assumption that all uploads will be destructive.If you misread my post, there’s no chance the post will be destroyed.

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