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| Entry:
| sono interessato alle vostre iniziative cultrurali e musicali. ho visitato il vs bel paese e mi sono ricreduto su tanti stupidi pregiudizi
| Date:
| October 15, 2008 22:28
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COMMENTI [ Scritto da andrea riderelli, October 27, 2008 15:47 ]
commenti (1)
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| Gianluca Reddavide
| Entry:
| Ho avuto il piacere di assistere sabato 4 ottobre a ...il combattimento... e grazie ad Aliusmodum e all'Oratorio del Gonfalone ho potuto soddisfare due sensi, udito e vista, contemporaneamente. E mi sembra un'esperienza preziosa, di questi tempi.
| Date:
| October 06, 2008 12:10
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COMMENTI [ Scritto da andrea riderelli, October 07, 2008 9:59 ]
[ Scritto da ZvmaWUJzILsHvxLWbsC, October 07, 2012 2:53 ] Hi EileenGreat to have you with us. The piece you saw Simon sing was “Estuans Interius” from Carl Orff's Carmina Burana, and does indeed trnatlase as burning inside. It was a promotional video for the CD and can be seen in the video section of the website, though that section needs a bit of tidying up so isn't easy to find things It's about two-thirds of the way down the page and has to be downloaded. Details of the CD can be found in the . Actually, I'll add the video clip download to the CD page as well to make it easier to find.Hope this helpsBest wishesJanet
[ Scritto da XvtQgCSigGEj, July 23, 2016 17:04 ] Hey there, I just hopped over to your web-site thru StulpmeUbon. Not somthing I might normally browse, but I enjoyed your thoughts none the less. Thanks for creating something worthy of reading through.
commenti (3)
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| alessandro mancini
| Entry:
| Buongiorno, gardieri ricevere i Vostri programmi culturaki amezzo della mia e-mail [omissis]. Distinti Saluti. Alessandro Mancini
| Date:
| October 03, 2008 7:42
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COMMENTI [ Scritto da andrea riderelli, October 07, 2008 10:03 ] Sig. Mancini,
La ringraziamo per averci contattato. Abbiamo inserito il Suo nominativo nella nostra mailing-list.
Cordiali saluti,
andrea riderelli
[ Scritto da TtvcZHyloC0, July 23, 2016 17:27 ] Y digo yo, ¿y no se puede obligar a poner explícitamente los beneficios de un ingrediente si este se publicita en portada? Algo así como “Con elsomeeisusauertcs (sin efecto conocido)” o al revés “Previene la caída del cabello (debido al zinc)”. En la misma tipografía y tamaño, o similar.Me parece una solución sencilla, si realmente se quiere acabar con el problema, claro.
commenti (2)